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Chama cha Wanahabari Wanawake Tanzania (TAMWA) kinatangaza nafasi kwa makampuni ya udalali na madalali binafsi kuuza magari yake mawili kama yanavyoonekana katika tangazo hapo chini.


Tafadhali tuma barua ya maombi kupitia barua pepe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. kwa maelezo zaidi tembelea ofsi zetu au piga simu namba +255222772681 au  0719485006 au 0754462632





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Project: Women In News Room

Terms Of Reference For Database Information System Consultant

1.      Background

Tanzania Media Women Association TAMWA has received funds from VIKES to build the professional capacity of both men and women. Specific focus is on building the women’s self-confidence and networks that will give them a concrete advantage in moving forward in their careers and taking active agency in the newsroom.

The main beneficiaries of this project is to support women journalists both men and women.

Under VIKES Project, TAMWA is entitled to create a database for women journalists to know their entitlement and the media houses they are working. 

2        Objective

TAMWA will develop a database specific for women journalists to monitor and assess their achievement. The database intends to generate reports that will be provided to stakeholders whom aimed at to develop skills and capacity build for women journalists. The component will be a digital and online based, simple and can be accessed by users.

The services of a qualified information technology company is required to provide Women Web Application Portal (WWAP), maintenance and upgrade, development of new software and date bases, data entry services, report generation, and advise the TAMWA in acquiring and installing new hardware and software.

3        Tasks

The consultant is required to review and design the layout of application, develop web portal, provide data entry services, orient the TAMWA staff and establish a mechanism of generating reports and also link the services to TAMWA website. The consultant will install the application and ensure its security and functionality. The Consultant will train TAMWA staff in using the application. Training will be conducted at TAMWA conference and consultant will be responsible for preparing training materials and conducting the training.

Develop Web Portal

The consultant will assess the requirements and develop the databases that meet TAMWA and VIKES requirements for building the women’s self-confidence and networks that will give them a concrete advantage in moving forward in their careers and taking active agency in the newsroom. Project coordinator will work closely with consultant.

Provide the data entry services

The consultant will be responsible of selecting and training the staff responsible for data entry and reports generation. These include,

  1. Data input recording Particulars of journalist data,
  2. Verification of Data
  3. Generate reports according to the requirements described in Project Implementation Plans (PIP)

Provide maintenance services

The consultant will maintain the portal and upgrade as necessary, including providing troubleshooting services. This will include modifying the existing PV and TI components management systems and their reporting modules. This service will be required on an ongoing basis and immediately when flaws are detected.

The consultant will develop a reliable information security systems including secure procedures for data entry, data storage and backup, and establishing data entry/change audit trails.

4.      Qualifications

The consultant will be an Information Technology firm or individual experienced in developing web database portal and relational databases. Expertise in PC-based computer hardware and networking is essential. Fluency in English required as all reports need to be issued in languages.

5.      Deliverables

In addition to software development/maintenance and training services, data entry and report generation noted above, the consultant is expected to issue reports. Contract period is six months

6.      Proposal Requirements

The bidder should provide the following information:

  • Brief outline of the Approach to providing the services noted above indicating major factors/issues to be considered and how they will be addressed.
  • CVs of key staff.
  • Profoma invoices.
  • Able to provide an EFD receipt for each payment done.

All application should be channeled to an email address  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Cc: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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Mkurugenzi wa Chama Cha Wanahabari Wanawake (TAMWA) aliyemaliza muda wake, Edda Sanga, amepewa tuzo ya heshima ikiwa ni sehemu ya kutambua mchango wake katika Asasi za kiraia. Tuzo hiyo imetolewa leo na Mtandao wa Jinsia Tanzania(TGNP), wakati wa tamasha la 14 la Jinsia. 

“Nimefurahi kupokea tuzo hiyo nawashukuru sana na kuwapongeza pia wale ambao wameona nimestahili kupokea tuzo hiyo,” Amesema Edda Sanga. Pia amewataka wengine waliopata tuzo hiyo kuendeleza mapambano ya kumkomboa mtoto wa kike, kumlinda na kumpa haki yake.

TAMWA tunampongeza Edda Sanga kwa kutwaa tuzo hii adhimu na pia tunawapongeza TGNP Mtandao kwa kuona umuhimu wa kuandaa tuzo hizi.

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